Tuesday, 25 June 2013


At the beginning of the year I chose two words "Leap" and "Stretch" as my words for the year. Leap because I knew I wanted to do something big by the end of the year that would take the most courage I have yet to personally express and stretch well because creating a yoga habit is forever on my annual list of New Year's intentions. While my down-ward dog needs improvement most of you now know that I have definitely leapt.

In January I started mulling over what it would take for me to leave my life as I know it and move to Uganda. I had a few ideas: I could work for an established NGO, I could create a tour and travel company, I could go back to being a TD or I could create my own non-profit. I then had to decide what life changes I was going to need to make in order to be comfortable with quitting my job and moving to Uganda. I moved out of my apartment and into a house with roommates cutting my rent in half and I put myself on a serious spending diet. I have sold a lot of what I own and I plan on selling the rest in the coming months. The moving sale I had in February I made $1100 in 2 days, I can tell you I don't remember what I sold and I clearly don't miss any of it.  People say "ahh you're not going to put anything in storage? but what about all your stuff?" People it's just stuff, ask anyone who's ever had their house blown away, burnt to the ground or flooded....you can always get more stuff.

I then started plotting out The Bernie Project, which at first was just the project's code name, but after trying out a few other names, The Bernie Project stuck. I love it, some of my friends love it, some of my friends don't love it. I'll tell you why I love it, it's a constant reminder for me why I'm doing what I'm doing. When I hear Bernie, I automatically think of Mahadi, which then makes me think of the other kids at the school and how I know they deserve better and how we will make it better.

I don't know how long I'll live in Uganda. I don't know if it will be for 6 months, the rest of my life or somewhere in between. Jack and Josephine both think I'm soft. I'd be willing to say they have a side bet between the two of them to see how long I stay. I'm not sure they realize how stubborn I am. I fully suspect some full on come aparts, when I'm hot, frustrated and things aren't moving as fast as I'd like or someone won't negotiate with me in the market or I'm lost or hungry or thirsty or craving Starbucks or all of the above.

For now this move is to be closer to Mahadi on a more consistent basis. I have no expectations of what will happen with this move. I don't know if he will live with me. I'm not seeking to adopt him. I just know I need to be there.

The Bernie Project will be my primary professional focus beginning in 2014. I will still keep a big toe in the event and meeting planning industry which will give me the opportunity to come back to the States a couple of times a year and execute a couple of fundraising events as well.

I'm really excited about what The Bernie Project has in store for not only the school, but for everyone who comes in contact with the project. The ways to engage with The Bernie Projet are endless and I can't wait to see them all come to fruition.

For all of you who have given your support, thanks! It's going to be one hell of a ride and I look forward to sharing it all with you the good and the bad.

