Wednesday 21 April 2010

My Spontaneous Act of Kindness to A Stranger Challenge

A few weeks ago I blogged about the 29 Days of Giving. I love the concept. I can not commit to anything at all. I lasted 5 days. That could be the longest thing I've ever committed to, I'm sort of almost not kidding you.

I get bored. I lose track. I get interested in something else. I hop on a plane. I decide I can't take it any longer and I have to have a piece of chocolate...I've NEVER been able to diet EVER in my entire life.

I also struggled with the concept of what "giving" entails. In my mind I already do a lot of giving to friends, family and strangers, it is in fact in my nature. I'll buy dinner when I'm out with friends. I'll help a mom traveling with kids on a plane get situated. I'll let people make a left turn in front of me. You get the point. Don't get me wrong I'm hardly anywhere close to St. Theresa. Part of the reason why I fell off the 29 Days wagon was because in fact I was in a completely shitty mood on Day 6. I'd been out of town for a month and it was my first day home. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to smile at anyone and I sure as hell wasn't going to do anything nice for anyone that day, thus my tumble off the wagon.

Getting back on the 29 Days wagon has been weighing on my mind in the last week or so and I was trying to determine when I should maybe give it another go.

Today presented that opportunity. I'm in Phoenix on business. This morning a few colleagues of mine and I went for a walk and then stopped at a Safeway. We all wanted to pick up a few items for our rooms. This Safeway has a Starbucks in it...I'm trying to kick my Chai latte habit...but that whole commitment thing got in the there I was standing in line waiting for my turn. I was off in my own little dream world, when I tuned into the girl 2 people ahead of me placing her order and then subsequently realizing she'd left her card in her car. Embarassed she started to tell the cashier, she'd have to be right back. As I realized what was happening, I knew what I had to do. I said "I'll pay for your coffee". The girl, probably about 20 was stunned, speechless. I said "yeah I got it. I hate when that happens. Just do it for someone else sometime" She thanked me about 85 times. I was like really it was 2 bucks. It's my pleasure. Have a good day. You would have thought I had just performed CPR on her dog, ok that might be an exaggeration.

How many times have you ordered something and then realized your cash or card was left in your pant pockets, other wallet or not where it should be at that moment?

My challenge to you is to commit a spontaneous act of kindness to a stranger this week. It doesn't have to cost you anything and it doesn't have to be a tangible item. But can you create just a little bit of sunshine into someone's life, who least expects it in the next 7 days?!

I want to hear your stories!!


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