Thursday 1 April 2010

Puzzles and Patience- Day 1

Today is day one of my 29 days of giving. I should start out with a disclaimer, I already knew what my gift for today was going to be, I’m not totally sure if that’s cheating or not. I intend on counting it as my first gift, but should an opportunity present itself that could be considered another gift I think I’m going to run with it.

In January, when I came back from Uganda I sent out an email to a lot of my friends letting them know I was back, thanking them for their support and including a link to my photos. I received a reply back from an old boss and dear friend of mine- “Great Work April. Family Video would be proud. My life sucks at the moment- Ben died last week…”

You could have knocked me over with a feather as I read Stuart’s email. In fact as I go back to read the email for the purpose of this blog, I’m feeling a little light headed and over come with tears.

Stuart’s youngest son, Ben had been suffering from epileptic seizures for as long as I can remember, many times being air lifted to the nearest hospital after an episode of seizures. Stuart had included a link to Ben’s obituary along with Ben’s Caring Bridge website. It’s there I learned of Ben’s last few weeks here on earth. His CaringBridge website is also where I go back to read more about Ben and his amazing spirit, along with the joys and sadness the Gilpins have been experiencing during the past few months.

One of Stuart’s entries he mentioned that Ben was a big fan of puzzles and as a tribute to Ben they would be collecting puzzles of 100 pieces or less. Passing them along to school, nursing homes, etc in his honor. I read that and decided I wanted to participate. I would buy a few puzzles and send them onto Stuart doing my part in recognizing Ben’s short life and spreading a little joy to the recipients in Tyler, TX. Last week I purchased the puzzles, I’ve been carting them around in my car for the past week, knowing that I was going to start the 29 days soon and wanting to include these puzzles as part of my 29 days.

Yesterday, I sat outside on my sister’s back patio, soaking up the sun and said a short little prayer, asking God to give me the right words to bring some comfort to the Gilpins. I’m notorious for misspeaking or mis-writing (is that a word?). Miraculously the words came and I was content with my message.

Today, I headed off to the post office with letter in hand and puzzles in the car. I first go to the Post Office and none of the boxes would fit this one puzzle I had purchased. It was a hard wood puzzle of the US and State Capitals. (I felt that was appropriate coming from me.) So I left and went to the Postal Connection down the road, let me say I hate going to a FedEx or a Mailbox Etc….it never goes fast, ever! My patience begins to wear thin as I’m trying to make this wood puzzle fit in a box without spending a stupid amount of money on a box for a 3 dollar puzzle to fit in!! As my patience is wearing, I’m reminding myself of the purpose of my being here and I take a few deep breaths. I eventually decide that the wooden puzzle will not be making it’s way to Tyler and ship off the other 6 or so puzzles to Stuart. I then stand in line waiting for the cashier to finish up with the customer in front of me, which you would think was taking 45 minutes the way my patience was again wearing thin….ask me where I had to be?? Nowhere….nowhere at all hell I could still be standing in the line..I don’t have any pressing engagements this week in Verona, WI. Finally, it’s my turn…finally I’m giving her my address and then Stuart’s address and then telling her what’s in the box….which I found really intrusive to be spitting out two addresses along with the contents of the box in front of a bunch of people. I am in fact in small town, USA so the chance of someone taking my Nashville address and committing a malice act is probably slim to none, but really!?!?

All the while I’m berating myself in my head “Gulley- what the hell is your problem!?! Why are you so irritable!?!” I left the Postal Connections deciding the next 28 days shouldn’t involve mailing anything…..or maybe they should…so I can learn patience.

I’ve spent the morning at this great coffee shop in Verona, Tuvalu Coffee House. I had an awesome chat with the owner, about the amazing chai they have here, she’s even willing to sell some to me in bulk. Along, with picking her brain about doing business with Fair-Trade items, we’ve exchanged information and I’m looking forward to working with her in the future.

After I had placed my order, I could either sit on the side of the cafe with no kids or the side with kids and a screaming baby. I chose the screaming baby side…I also chose to put my earphones in ☺ As I’m typing up this blog, I go back to that wooden-puzzle in my car that didn’t make it to Tyler, TX and I look over at all the kids toys here at the cafe….and I just realized my second gift of the day.

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