Monday 28 July 2008

Shanghai Airport

Nihao! Well I've officially made it into China. I don't know why but I always get nervous going through Customs in any country, even the US. The funny thing is, I'm not doing anything wrong. I guess its because one time I was flying to Vancouver and I made the mistake of saying I was working. That didn't go over to well with immigration, luckily I talked my way out it and they let me in.

Upon landing in Shanghai I didn't notice too much of a difference from any other airport. Except for the fact that everything is in Chinese and English. The other thing that become quickly apparent was how freakin quiet the airport is! I was waiting for my bags reading email on my blackberry and didn't even notice the bags were coming off the belt. In the States its like a Chucky Cheese game, bells, whistles and lights letting you know your bags are coming down the belt.

The ac wasn't on either I started sweating as soon as I got off the plane and let me tell you, it's humid!

I made my way from T1 to T2 to check in for my flight to Beijing and I'm now sitting at the gate. Again I feel like I'm in a library, you could hear a pin drop. Its actually very nice.

Alright more later from Beijing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Beijing glad you made it there safely.
    I cant wait to read more about your wonderful adventures....although I am going to miss ya...
    At least I know that you will be well
    Hopefully your getting some rest...I will chat with you soon....Sweet Dreams!!
    Love ya
