Thursday 31 July 2008

Beijing So Far


I started to post a blog from my laptop yesterday and it insisted o doing it in Chinese, so here I am on my blackberry. Once I figure out the dealio, you can read about the great wall experience. I still can't believe I was on the friggin great wall! I might have to walk the whole thing for it to really sink in.

The highlights so far:

My eyeball exploded, yes as in the one you look out of specifically the right one. It doesn't hurt and I can still see but its a bloody mess.ok its not THAT bad, but I woke up yesterday, looked in the mirror and was like "ew gross" I'm pretty sure it was from the 50 hour flight and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to convince people I'm cursing them with my eye and they will give me great deals on many things:)

The people I'm working with are super cool and we have a great team!

The hotel is very nice and the service is great! So far everyone in China has been very friendly!

We are learning one word a day today was "cookie" or Bing-an in Chinese.

I had dinner with my friend Sil, whose hotel is literally 3 blocks from mine. We wandered around her block, had a yummy bite, dropped into this club for a beer and now I'm home and going to bed.

Sil had pulled out these postcards of the "cartoon mascots" for the games at dinner. They kinda look hello kittyish and about 4 servers (girls) were standing around looking at the postcards, giggling and I imagine discussing how cool the cards were. Sil only needed 3 so she left the other 3 as part of our tip, I'm sure the girls were stoked! It was super cute!!

Alright off to bed! Zaijan!

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