Thursday, 12 November 2009

8 DAYS...O M G

You say April you are leaving on December 14th, you have a whole month before you leave for Africa. Oh contrare mon frere (is that how you spell on the contrary my brother in french?...hmm can't remember and too lazy too google it).

Please standby while I breathe through my raising blood pressure.

Ok I'm back.

Let's just say my travel sched between now and Dec. 14th is a wee bit insane and when I get back from Africa it doesn't slow down. I think I get to nap on March 16th. Just in time for my birthday!! You know when the month of March is discussed I have to mention that that happens to be my birthday month.

But back to Uganda- yesterday I was in Wolf Camera and asked if they ever do donations to non-profit orgs, the manager said yes. So tonight I have to draft a proposal for them to give me some goods for the used digital cameras all you people are donating to me!! Do you think Wolf would be suspicious if I requested a Hasselblad camera and a couple of lens? :) I'll be sure to give Wolf a major shout out if they hook me up with the request. Please note I'm NOT asking them for cameras, but the equipment to support it. I'm still looking for a couple more cameras, so drop me a note if you have one you can send me.

On another exciting note a not to be mentioned (yet) but very popular coffee shop in Springfield may let me sell some of my photos at their store...exactly where I'll fit in getting them matted and framed in the next 10 days that's TBD, but I'll make it happen if they say yes. I think I may need another B-12 shot...I wonder how many of those you can get in a month?

That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading!!

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